2020 Election Fraud Exposed?
The 2024 Election is casting some unexpected light on Democrats use of mail-in ballots in 2020
On the morning of the presidential election we made a simple observation. “Today may well expose the 2020 election fraud.” This wasn’t pure speculation. It came from closely following and reporting on what transpired during the 2020 presidential election and contrasting that with what was happening on the ground in early voting across a variety of states - in this particular case, Arizona.
Throughout the entire day there was something of a collective restraint to Trump’s obviously mounting victory. But by ~ 8:00pm PST, it became obvious that it was over. Trump had won - and by far too big a margin for any theft to change the outcome. We got a little heat for stating decisively that Trump had won the Electoral College, the Popular Vote, the Senate and likely the House but these concerns were largely misplaced. The math simply worked. It was over.
But this also left us with the mathematical aftermath. 2020 was an obvious anomaly. It stood out like a sore thumb when compared to the other election cycles:
And it raises some obvious questions. Where did all the Democrat’s votes go in 2024? Why was 2020 such a wild outlier compared to other election cycles? It couldn’t have had anything to do with Democrats swamping our electoral system with more than 100 million mail-in-ballots after making unconstitutional changes to state election laws or stopping the vote count in the middle of the night across multiple battleground states, could it?
At the time of this writing the vote tally is still ongoing. We copied the format used by ZeroHedge when we created our own bar chart and have been updating it as numbers have come in. We understand that the numbers will continue to shift upwards - particularly as California is not fully counted. But those underlying questions remain.
Right now, we have a roughly 15 million vote differential between 2020 and 2024. The increase in numbers still coming in from California are not going to account for the entire difference. At a minimum, we are missing at least 5 million votes from Democrats - probably more. A huge number in a presidential election.
Now obviously, this is a simplistic approach to things. Our friend Stephen McIntyre did a closer analysis that focused on the battleground states. He found that there was an overall vote increase in all seven battleground states. In Georgia, North Carolina and Wisconsin, both parties increased their votes, but Trump achieved a bigger overall gain than Democrats. Meanwhile, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona (still being tallied) and Nevada all had a static or flat number of Democrat votes.
Credit: @climateaudit
How could this be? Well, for one thing, Republicans were acutely aware of the risk posed in the battleground states and were resolute in their determination not to see a repeat from 2020. The GOP’s Scott Presler single handedly turned Pennsylvania red with his on-the-ground voter registration efforts. A heroic effort. But Democrats were also acutely aware of the importance of these states. They made a huge push as well.
Before we go further, let’s just state up front that we always thought 81 million votes for Biden in 2020 was pure fiction - and it’s clear that number remains a glaring outlier. Note also that Trump got more votes four years ago than he’s tallied thus far - although we’d guess when the counting is done, Trump will be close to his 2020 tally.
We think that what we’re seeing in the vote total disparity is primarily the fallout from Democrats employing the mass distribution of mail-in-ballots (often unsolicited) in 2020. One hundred million ballots that were just sloshing around in our electoral system. They knew the system employed anonymous dropboxes and limited ID verification. They knew exactly what they were doing and how many of those excess ballots would be used.
It's our opinion the Democrat Party’s strategy was really two-fold. Flood the system with millions ballots and allow on-the-ground Democrat operatives to do what they do best, i.e. harvest, collect, fill in, etc. If that proved not to be enough, well, there was always the option of last-minute plumbing leaks that shut down oversight and allowed for secret midnight counts in Georgia.
It’s also our opinion that it’s not totally unexpected that the battleground states didn’t represent a a bulk of the extra 2020 votes. At least not overtly. The battles in these states were fought at the margins. Biden won Georgia by less than 12,000 votes. Big tallies were simply not needed.
The entire point of Democrats sending out a hundred million ballots was to make the nitty-gritty election day cheating manageable - if it was even needed. That’s what we’re really seeing with these large discrepancies between 2020 and 2024.
It’s easy to forget, but the Left engaged in large-scale “national public-awareness campaigns” designed to convince Americans that “the vote count would unfold over days or weeks” as the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots were systematically flooding into our electoral system.
With 100 million mail-in ballots sent out in an effort to get “millions of people to vote by mail for the first time”, the coalition recruited “armies of poll workers” to deal with the influx of absentee ballots. Large amounts of money would be required to deal with the processing and in preparation for this the group “helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.”
This money had two material sources. The first, surprisingly, came from the first round of Covid-relief packages in March 2020. From there, the Left turned to private funding for additional sources. Silicon Valley tech companies were the primary target. Zuckerberg provided as much as $450 million in 2020.
These contributions were framed as an effort to fill in “funding gaps” left by the federal government, while ignoring that it was democrat operatives who were pushing the mail-in vote efforts.
Indeed, focus groups were held by the Voter Participation Center (VPC), designed to “find out what would get people to vote by mail.” Several months later, the VPC would send out ballot applications to “15 million people in key states.” The group followed up with mailing campaigns and digital ads urging these targeted voters to “not wait for Election Day.”
These efforts were successful. They were also transformative. In the end, nearly half of the ballots in 2020 came via mail. A revolutionary shift in how people vote. Only 25% of voters cast their ballots in person on Election Day.
It’s our take that the 15 million vote “anomaly” we’re currently seeing is an overstated representation of the broad-based cheating that took place in 2020 - as a direct result from the flooding of our electoral system with those Covid mail-in ballots.
The 15 million discrepancy will continue to compress as additional votes from California are counted - but it won’t entirely go away. If we had to guess a 5-7 million vote discrepancy will remain.
And that discrepancy effectively represents the fraudulent use of the enormous mail-in ballot effort that Democrats undertook in 2020.
From an engineering point of view, simple, straight forward analysis is often the best analysis leading to cost effective practical solutions. This piece of work is elegantly brilliant. Well done and thanks for pointing the obvious out to those of us who struggle with what's plopped right in front of our faces. It never occurred to me that 2024 results would spotlight massively treasonous 2020 election fraud. I say treasonous because foreign countries were involved and Americans In Name Only (AINOs), Hat Tip to Noor Bin Laden. aided and abetted this vicious attack against our republic and the processes of self-governance. Thanks again.
So true, I hope people start to realize how obvious it is that they didn't really win in 2020.