A couple observations:

1/ In spite of Russia Collusion and Ukrainian Impeachment Trump seems to have been extremely slow to recognize how malignant the entire natsec apparatus was toward him. And, granted that he was under continuous threat of removal, he did not know how to swing the scythe, which he should have done versus taking the almost passive approach he took. He was unprepared then. I dont know about now.

2/ I acknowledge the integrity of Radcliff. At the same time, without a lot more evidence, I do not buy the "financial and political" motive story. The real question is what really happened, and there are many equally plausible possibilities:

- China intentionally released the virus;

- The virus was accidentally released from the lab;

- The US IC caused the release, perhaps together with non-US outside actors.

Both of the intentional release options pass the motive, means, and opportunity test. The iC lying might be explainable for multiple reasons, but regardless, the lying indicates a desire to cover up wrongdoing.

There is just so much hinky behavior surrounding the entire event that it literally screams advance preparation, which implicates the US as the actor:

- The terror/hysteria campaign reinforced by mass testing and bogus death simulations by Gates and by the UK;

- The nonsense of social distancing and masking;

- The emergency power grab which shuts down small businesses and churches, but leaves big firms open and Nancy's hair salon;

- The timing, participants, and content of Event 21 at Johns Hopkins;

- The mass censorship campaign including of doctors and scientists;

- The BLM rioting, which relaxed social distancing and isolating at home;

- The forced intakes of covid+ into nursing homes, when the elderly were without question the most at risk;

- The fiasco of ships and tents in Central Park;

- Sweden and Norway;

- The lack of any uniform standard for determining deaths by covid and the disparity of death rates country to country;

- The initial push for vents, which turned out to kill people and the mysterious medication used to treat it;

- The financial incentives for people to die in hospitals versus surviving;

- The green passes;

- The insanity of thug govts around the world beating people into submission over masks, ~OUTSIDE;

These are the just the things I havent yet forgotten about this despicable event. It's just very hard for me to believe all this happened organically, on the fly, and just followed from "financial and political" considerations.

This ia important reporting, but it's just one layer of the onion. And it's the biggest story in history that nobody but you guys are reporting on.

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- The idea that lockdowns and ~shutting down the global economy~ was the right policy response when epidemiologists from Hard, Stanford, and Oxford were advising to protect vulnerable (seriously, this was never the black death);

- The absolutely uniform media chorus over and over, to "just obey;"

- Without getting into the vax, itself a global scale human experiment, the idea that the vax was ~better than the immune system;

- The need to redefine a vax as a therapeutic vs a preventative;

Just thinking about this recalls all the madness of the whole thing, the cognitive dissonance because ll the responses were so contrary to what we thought reality was. The only thing that made it somewhat understandable was having watched a craven political class mail Trump.

Ultimately, it was Trump unmasking them all that leads one to the strong suspicion that this pandemic was in planning for a long time and Trump simply forced an accelerated timeline.

And it must be added that the ongoing insanity of govt generally post-Trump does nothing to diminish the idea that they're a pack of psychopaths with not a care for human life.

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- The millions of dead, and unlike 9/11, no big, serious, months long congressional investigation, no serious review of the pandemic response, no identification of the perp.

- The obvious corruption of science itself, in support of the narrative, blew up the idea of trusting authority (at least for those with a functional brain);

- Did I mention shutting down the ~global economy for a virus slightly more virulent than the flu, with zero global squabbling over the need for such draconian action. Almost like someone wanted a financial system collapse to enable shucking of debt or, alternately, a $6T injection of liquidity.

The damage these people did to the WORLD is incalculable. They need to be held to account.

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- The abuse of the PCR test (number of cycles) to exaggerate cases... until censored, the experts said it was ridiculous.

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We figured that out from very beginning from genome sequencing anomalies showing lab engineered. Especially the spike protein carrying the virus and the furin cleavage site. From the beginning, anomalies in the virus's structure, particularly the spike protein and the presence of the furin cleavage site, raised questions about its natural emergence. These features are not commonly seen in coronaviruses that arise through natural evolution.

The spike protein, which facilitates the virus's entry into human cells, exhibited mutations that seemed particularly well-adapted to human receptors, which many scientists found unusual. Additionally, the furin cleavage site, a specific part of the virus where it is cut to become more infectious, also seemed out of place. Such features are often associated with lab-engineered viruses in research, sparking early speculation about a potential laboratory origin.

These findings, combined with other circumstantial evidence, made it clear to many in the scientific community that the possibility of lab manipulation couldn't be ruled out, despite official denials at the time. The DNI's admission adds weight to those early concerns.

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We also saw Fauci's manipulations of the article about it very early.

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