How about the covid hoax? Started under trump. The 20+ year war hoax, perpetuated under trump, that he admits he wants to continue? The 80+ year CIA psyop on the American people hoax, perpetuated under trump? The fake history of WWI and WW2 hoax, by Jews, perpetuated by trump? Nah.. the "trump" hoax!! TDS is for people still supporting an obvious grifter connected to nothing but other grifters and pedos.

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Guys, This probably sounds nuts and conspiratorial, but LTC Steve Murray has suggested that dems have a scheme planned to somehow disqualify Trump after the election and then forcibly install Harris. The mechanism is unknown esp since dems passed a law intended to prevent another Pence/certification drama. Murray thinks executing this scheme would trigger some in the military to react, perhaps dividing the military into pro/anti Trump camps with the pro Trump camp being aided by vets, including himself (!).

I think I'd probably dismiss this thesis except that I keep hearing media and dems, most recently Harris herself in the Baier interview, that "Trump is planning to call on the military to come after Americans." I have heard or read this claim several times now, and because it'a such wild claim, it now sounds like it could be a preemptive narrative intended to inhibit action by the military in response to a what may appear a coup.

I could easily imagine Antifa being called on to create enough chaos that the NSC declares another covid-like lockdown while whatever the scheme is (if there is one) plays out.

The best way imo to prevent any such scheme would obviously be to game it out and publicize an outline broadly before it ever happened. I know you guys are journalists and limit yourselves to reporting facts, but if there are any supportive facts, this would be an important story.

Given Russia Collusion, Ukraine Impeachment, George Floyd, Covid, Ukraine war, Israel/Iran chaos, lawless mass immigration, etc it hardly seems beyond the pale that something like this is being contemplated. If you'd told me in June/July 2015, when I first smelled conspiracy to cover up Clinton's email problems, that the system was as thoroughly corrupt as it later proved to be, I'd have called you crazy. Not anymore.

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