The brazenness of corruption is shocking. The scale of criminal activity inside law enforcement is beyond belief. We need to root out all these crooks and they deserve time for their many, many crimes.

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Biden will "proactively pardon" McCabe, Orr, Strzok, etc. at 10 am on Jan 20. Trump's DOJ should still indict them all and let them bring up the "preemptive pardon" as a defense. Then the issue of the constitutionality of a "preemptive pardon" can FINALLY be heard in court; no one ever challenged the constitutionality of Ford's "preemptive pardon" of Nixon. It doesn't seem constitutional, based on the wording of the president's Article II pardon power, since a "preemptive pardon" is a nonspecific, blanket pardon for crimes not yet charged or convicted. "No One Is Above The Law," right Democrats?

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Why would Biden pardon them? Crossfire was a counterintel operation against Obama and Hillary, taking Trump out was the pudding on their cake.

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What do you mean, “Why would Biden pardon them?” So the Trump DOJ can’t prosecute them! And Crossfire was an op against Trump, not Hillary and Obama. You’re not making any sense.

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Steele worked for FBI. This was a counterintelligence operation ordered by Obama. But these were all Bush guys, Comey, Barr, Rosenstein, Mueller. Think about what Chris Steele did. He worked with Ohr. And Hillary did all the heavy lifting. She brought in Dolan and Danchenko. And they used Cody Shearer and Sidney Blumenthal. With assistance from Downer, another Clinton ally. So what did Chris Steele do to earn his paychecks he was cashing from FBI? Maybe "espionage." This is speculation. But no doubt they all thought Hillary was going to win. So I think they were allowing Clinton to rack up the felonies. They were gathering data and participating, but this was a "Crossfire Hurricane" operation. That tells you in itself that it probably was a joint operation. If HRC would have won, there would have been a Come to Jesus meeting with her in Oval. 100%. That's again, speculation, but it makes sense to me. So they probably know that. Which is why they raided Derepaska house and why McConnell folded like deck of cards into their hands. Caught red handed. Maybe I have active imagination. But I have a pretty good instinct. Just speculation.

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and remember, what did Steele do in this operation? He had Fusion GPS hand the dossier to Strobe Talbott. After Trump's surprise victory, Steele contacted Talbott to disucss "the package" that was delivered to him the week before (reference to dossier), and Steele asked him to advise how they should handle it going forward. Nov. 12, 2016. Talbott provided Fiona Hill a copy of the dossier a day before BuzzFeed published it.

Steele thought he could get back in the FBI if he completed setting HRC up? Why would he care whether Talbott had the dossier or not? He was still working the op.

Playing both sides.

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Nah. They had Hillary with the email server. Let her off the hook. I have no idea how you could come up with this being a plot to get her.

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And the next day it was published in BuzzFeed.

Steele was responsible for both Mother Jones article and BuzzFeed article.

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Without accountability, this will get worse.

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Kash has to get to the bottom of this story, and then dismantle the corrupt entity. McCabe should be indicted (though conviction not very likely given DC jury bias).

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Palpatine’s Revenge… that’s what they were using to chat about plotting against Trump, hence plotting against the United States and the rule of law. Thanks to McCabe, Brennan and Page I have exactly zero respect for the FBI. The agency is just as bad today in that they insisted that the attack on Bourbon Street wasn’t a terrorist attack, until the irrefutable evidence made them correct themselves. The attack on Trump international, Las Vegas was also being minimized with NYT doing the heavy lifting for that one. I hope to god Kash gets things fixed but he’s in for a tough time because the agency is so corrupt. I’d like to see the FBI and the CIA be shuttered. Neither is fit for purpose.

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Christopher Steele became a paid confidential informant for the FBI in February 2016. His official relationship as a Confidential Human Source (CHS) was established around that time, prior to the formal launch of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation in July 2016.

Steele's involvement with the FBI, however, predates this period. He had been providing intelligence to the FBI as early as 2010, primarily regarding Russian activities. The payments Steele received between 2014 and 2016 (totaling around $95,000) were related to his work on matters unrelated to the Trump-Russia investigation.

In August 2016, Steele, through Bruce Ohr, began providing the FBI with reports from what later became known as the Steele dossier. His formal relationship with the FBI as a confidential informant continued until late October 2016, when the FBI terminated him as a CHS after they discovered he had unauthorized contact with the media.

While Steele's direct, paid relationship ended in October 2016, his communications with the FBI persisted indirectly through Bruce Ohr and Fusion GPS, suggesting his influence remained throughout the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

The idea that Steele might have been involved in Crossfire Hurricane "the entire time" fits within the broader understanding that Steele's dossier was one element—though not the initial predicate—of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference and Trump campaign contacts. However, Steele's dossier significantly shaped later investigative efforts, particularly concerning FISA applications.

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The focus of this was McCabe’s treason against Trump but you are correct. There is an entire sub-story with McCabe, Steele and Orh intertwining repeatedly in years prior. There’s also the Deripaska element that interlaces with these three at various past points.

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Can McCabe be tried for Treason? Pre-emptive pardon would not hold up for Treason!

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To me, McCabe's colossal conflict of interest in the Hillary Email investigation should have been front-page/headline news. I do recall an article, likely the WSJ once cited in the footnotes of Chaffetz's letter, but this did not receive remotely the press that it deserved.

Judicial Watch release dated Nov. 21, 2017 has more on this subject. Notes McCabe was removed from the Clinton Email investigation one week before the election.

Query: If McCabe was conflicted with investigating Clinton, shouldn't they have examined those same conflict issues regarding his involvement in any Trump investigation? It is not like the issue wasn't teed up for them.

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Chaffetz letter, Hillary at McCabe fundraiser -- JW-v-DOJ-McCabe-2-production-01494-pg-11-18

Letter is dated October 27, 2016. Top of page 3:

"Between September 30 and October 29, 2015, Governor McAuliffe's PAC Common Good VA donated $450,000 to your wife's state senate campaign, [16] while the Democratic Party of Virginia made additional in-kind contributions totaling $207,788. [17] Much of that money was raised by McAuliffe following a June 26, 2015, Fairfax, Virginia fundraiser headlined by former Secretary Clinton.[18]"

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Old, but very good, Judicial Watch article about McCabe.


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Hillary Clinton did a fundraiser for McCabe's wife. There is a letter from Jason Chaffetz referencing it.

McCabe was conducting the Hillary Email investigation and being involved in any "investigation" related to Trump was an ethical travesty.

It speaks to the ethics of the Democratic Party that they managed to get McCabe a bunch of financial compensation that he was in no way entitled to.

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