By Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke
Why can't R's/MAGA have a team of evil lawyers like this ?
The question answers itself. Republicans who dabble in evil will be outed by other Republicans. On “principle”.
Serious question. Did McCord control McCabe or vice versa? She doesn’t strike me as particularly bright. I mean, in the March 6, 2017 brief, didn’t her notes give off the air of “OMG”.
Why can't R's/MAGA have a team of evil lawyers like this ?
The question answers itself. Republicans who dabble in evil will be outed by other Republicans. On “principle”.
Serious question. Did McCord control McCabe or vice versa? She doesn’t strike me as particularly bright. I mean, in the March 6, 2017 brief, didn’t her notes give off the air of “OMG”.