Oct 3Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Eisen, Wittes, Berke, Nadler, Podhorzer......all appear to have something in common that we are told can only be construed as coincidental.

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Oct 4Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Yes. The numbers and facts speak for themselves. To even utter this reality is to invite being attacked . Yet......it is there for all to see. So confident are they now.....knowing their plan for world domination , drawn up in 1897 is in high gear ....they are letting down the many layers of secrecy, , mystery and obfuscation they employed until recently......and are letting their cards drop...so we can all see their hand. While America was focused on external enemies ( USSR, China, Vietnam, etc) after WWII,.....it was the rot in our own basement, ..,the spiders, the rats and other vermin of the lowest order, like Eisen, Soros and his fellow evil scum that have done all to kill America and our Constitution, traditions, family, and Western traditions . Hollywood has poisoned the culture.....and our family. The left and the DNC act as stooges for these criminals. Every one in this article should be arrested, tried.....found guilty and sent to Quonset huts north of the Arctic circle...,,,...fed on rice and canned fish.

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It's just a coincidence.

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Oct 3Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

~ Weissmann was a driving force in all this as well. From the Enron/Arthur Anderson debacle (lost unanimously in the Supreme Court & bankrupted a big 5 accting firm, respectively) up to now the 'obstruction charge' ploy has been used by these busturds. Weissmann & Eisen made it up in the AA case, got it passed in Sarbanes-Oxley (for corps & orgs that are targets of investigation), misapplied it under Mueller, got it thrown out for J6 after using it to felonize, and STILL they try to apply it vs. President Trump. Same playbook over & over. ~

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Oct 4Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Fascists belong in prison.

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Oct 4Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Eisen issued a fraudulent Ethics Waiver to John Brennan (architect of Russian Collusion hoax) in Dec 2009 which stated Brennan no longer had a financial interest in The Analysis Corporation. Brennan owned over 25,000 shares of TAC stock (NASDAQ: GTEC) at the time according to the SEC.

The Waiver was so Brennan could lead the investigation into how the Underwear Bomber got onto a Northwest Airlines flight to blow it up. Spoiler alert, Amb. Patrick Kennedy testified to Congress the CIA (Brennan’s former employer) got the bomber on the plane.

Eisen enabled Brennan to violate False Statement laws and Vonflict of Interest laws with the Waiver. Brennan eventually sold the stock for $4.85 million - according to the SEC.

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Oct 3Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Throughout Mr. Trump's term in office, the Lawfare directed at him never stopped. The White House never stopped existing in a war zone. It was what some of his opponents referred to as "the 24/7 War of Opposition," to be conducted perpetually after campaigns and elections had long ended. IF Mr. Trump wins again, we will see this again. He won't win again, however, because in our "free and fair elections" they've sufficiently aligned Big Tech, Big Media, Big Government, etc., to defeat him.

Where does that leave us? In the remnants of an occupied country.

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Oct 2Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Outstanding. This will be in the daily Larwyn's Linx tomorrow, but the headline is:

The Scumbag Behind the Destruction of The Republic: Norm Eisen

(Larwyn's Linx is a daily wrap-up for media insiders since 2009)


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Oct 4Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

As promised:

Larwyn’s Linx: A Name To Know - The Scumbag Destroying the Republic - Norm Eisen


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Thanks Doug!! And we appreciate your support - Best Jeff

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Oct 4Liked by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Every. Single. Time.

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Eisen needs to be Clinton'd

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