In this episode of Truth Over News, we analyze the recently published FBI document that initiated a formal investigation into Donald Trump, who was the sitting president of the United States at the time.
Joey Merlino interviews a legendary lawyer who describes FBI Agents as being entirely predicated on creating Informants - that it's even in their handbook that there's no other way they'll remain agents &/or advance in rank - This interview deflates the "but not the good guys working the streets" caveat
Great stuff guys, as always. A couple of other small points I think are worth bringing up:
McCabe was fired before his right to immediately draw his the pension vested. Like with Strzok, the Obiden Administration managed to throw that money his way, and perhaps more, I forget the details.
Also, I find the fact that Hillary did a fundraiser that directly benefited McCabe's wife to be such a glaring conflict of interest in both the Hillary email and Trump cases, I am still flabbergasted (well, I should be) that it hasn't received more media attention, especially from more conservative media outlets. (I provide some details in my comments to your related article).
Thanks for all the excellent work you all do. You all expose and explain the stuff that no one else seems willing to talk about. It is much appreciated.
It should be against the law to redact anything which is of no interest to foreign powers and is only done to hide facts from the American people! Redacting information which is of no value to foreign powers but is of interest to the American people violates the spirit of the 1st amendment which, since it is integral to the Bill of Rights, was put into the Constitution in the first place for the expressed purpose of protecting the people from tyrants in the government. This should be a case for the Supreme Court to address.
Joey Merlino interviews a legendary lawyer who describes FBI Agents as being entirely predicated on creating Informants - that it's even in their handbook that there's no other way they'll remain agents &/or advance in rank - This interview deflates the "but not the good guys working the streets" caveat
Great stuff guys, as always. A couple of other small points I think are worth bringing up:
McCabe was fired before his right to immediately draw his the pension vested. Like with Strzok, the Obiden Administration managed to throw that money his way, and perhaps more, I forget the details.
Also, I find the fact that Hillary did a fundraiser that directly benefited McCabe's wife to be such a glaring conflict of interest in both the Hillary email and Trump cases, I am still flabbergasted (well, I should be) that it hasn't received more media attention, especially from more conservative media outlets. (I provide some details in my comments to your related article).
Thanks for all the excellent work you all do. You all expose and explain the stuff that no one else seems willing to talk about. It is much appreciated.
It should be against the law to redact anything which is of no interest to foreign powers and is only done to hide facts from the American people! Redacting information which is of no value to foreign powers but is of interest to the American people violates the spirit of the 1st amendment which, since it is integral to the Bill of Rights, was put into the Constitution in the first place for the expressed purpose of protecting the people from tyrants in the government. This should be a case for the Supreme Court to address.