Fantastic work guys. H/T @walkafyre.

One of the more distressing things about the Trump/Russia collusion fraud is just how many rank and file people throughout government knowingly participated, without objection, in what amounts to a seditious plot against a sitting president.

When you look at the timing of Brennan briefing Obama about the Clinton information and the subsequent August meeting on the same subject, it seems almost beyond question that Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation into Russian election interference was done to probide the Clinton campaign cover for its lies.

Although it appears unlikely that we will ever know exactly what was said, I cannot conceive of any realistic scenario where Obama wasn't directing aand approving the actions.

But for the corruption and blatant partisanship of the Regime Media, this story would still be gront page news: A sitting President throwing the entire weight and might of the United States government against a political opponent with charges that EVERYONE in authority knew to be false.

As the Durham report notes, the FBI didn't question the Clinton campaign whatsoever about the accuracy of the Clinton Intelligence. There is only one possible reason for that omission: They knew the Clinton Intelligence was accurrate and their objective was in no way to run a legitimate investigation: Rather, it was to use the resources and power of the United States to butress a perfidious political lie and harm a Presidential Candidate/President-Elect/Sitting President.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the Democratic Party. The American public needs to know EXACTLY what occurred in this case. I hope Trump wins and declassifies virtually everything.

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excellent, correct start to "stark" contrast!

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